
Made by Scientists
for Scientists.

We are experts in designing novel rapid tests for high throughput laboratories.

Designed for Laboratories

Contact us for rapid microbe panels to scale up your lab’s testing by emailing sales@primediscoveries.com

Who We Are

We have built and scaled a number of leading genomics companies with over 15+ years of experience building novel advanced diagnostics.

Prime Discoveries was founded in New York City in 2017. Our team is comprised of scientists and researchers with extensive backgrounds in microbiology, genomics, computational biology, robotic automation, cloud computing and artificial intelligence.


Our Science

Prime Discoveries™ state-of-the-art technology platform integrates automation, machine learning, and advances in computational biology to accelerate discoveries.

Our partner's automated CLIA certified lab enables us to process high sample volumes with prompt turn-around times. We partner with organizations that can propel our state-of-the-art machine learning analysis into a multitude of practical implications.

Our Collaborators

We have worked with and are collaborating with a number of academic institutions, corporations, medical schools, and accelerators on research and new product development including:

Our Scientific Advisors

We are advised by the leading experts in the fields of applied genomics, computational biology, sequencing, medicine, microbiology,
public health, immunology, etc including:

Our Investors

We are supported by individuals and groups from leading academic institutions, venture capital firms, and law firms with life sciences intellectual property expertise including: